Anatolia Islamic Centre’s mission is to educate and enlighten society about Islam with factual knowledge based on essential Islamic sources and provide guidance to society about faith, worship and moral principles and to improve relations based on justice, peace, tolerance and mutual understanding.
Our goal is to create a highly-esteemed organization that leads in advocating for the religious, moral and spiritual values of the Muslim society in Canada and to contribute to peace and tranquility for all mankind, and to be a prestigious mediator on Islamic issues.
Our Core Principles
- Educating Canadians about our religion and spread the peaceful message of Islam.
- Taking all the required precautions to empower our future generation in Canada and ensure they have equal rights and advantages.
- Condemning all types of violence and terror and considers them to be crimes against humanity regardless of who the perpetuator and victim may be.
- Supporting equal and complementary rights and responsibilities for men and women.
- Promoting and expanding the framework of cultural, educational, scientific, technical and artistic cooperation between Canada, The Middle East and Turkey.
- Increasing the cultural and social welfare of the general Muslim population living in Canada.
- Raising awareness among Muslims about the importance of their contribution to the development of the society where they live by giving themselves fully to their basic tasks.
- Promoting and participating in any activity which goals take aim at breaking the negative stereotypes by making Islam and Islamic culture known.
- To take all necessary steps to prevent our younger generation from breaking away from their own essence and values.
- Committed to providing religious services without regard to politics
- Aiming to preserve all of the differences in belief and culture in an atmosphere of freedom and mutual respect.
- Committed to protecting the Muslims’ religious and cultural roots in the face of assimilations policies.
- Advocating dialogue between faith communities both in North America and in the world.
- Seeking the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of other religions based on Islam’s exalted historical tolerance.
- Striving to help perfect the society we live in and promote mutual understand and peaceful coexistence.
- Guiding Muslims to live according to the whole of the orders and prohibitions of Allah, which is the way of Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jamaat.
- Training a generous, modest and humble generation, which acknowledges this life is finite, and that there is an eternal afterlife. This generation would know that success in the hereafter is dependent on their actions in this world. This generation would not surrender to materialism, would avoid pride, vanity and hypocrisy, and would not hesitate to forego their property, and use their authority and rank for the sake of Allah.
- Raising generations who love Allah, the Prophet Muhammad and those close to Allah. To raise individuals to protect and defend the Muslims, regardless of tribe or race. To take the necessary steps and work so that these generations do not stray from justice, but defend it not only for themselves, relatives or kin, but even for their adversaries, or when it is to their own detriment.
- Forming a society who knows the benefits and importance of being organized and acting together, and thus share the same cause regardless of their race, tribe or community, and act in unison with all Muslims who are committed to the peaceful cause of Islam. To share the suffering, pain and grief of not only fellow Muslims, but all those who are suffering and oppressed.
- Educating the community on the importance and need to mobilize their efforts to serve all humanity.
- Promoting interfaith mutual education with non-Muslim communities and their leadership so that they may benefit from learning about Islam from proper and authentic sources.